
Thursday, May 22, 2008


So I had a practice question about the Sodium - Potassium Pump and what gets pumped out or the cell and what gets pumped into the cell. Since it has been a while I could not recall exactly how it works. So a buddy of mine told me this one:

pumpKin = from this word you can remember that it is K (potassium) that gets pumped into the cell which means it must be Na (sodium) that gets pumped out of the cell. Now I always forget how many of each get pumped in or out.

K+ = 2 letters a "K" and a "+" so that will remind you it is 2 K+ that get pumped into the cell and Na+ = 3 letters "N", "a", "+" so that will remind you that 3 Na+ get pumped out of the cell!

Na+/K+ pump = it pumps 3 Na+ out of the cell and 2K+ into the cell. Think "pumpKin"

Thank you Amit!

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