
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Acid Base

Who hates this stuff? Answer = me.

pH = [HCO3-]/pCO2

Anything that increases bicarb (HCO3-), increases pH = alkalosis (metabolic)
Anything that decreases pCO2, increases pH = alkalosis (respiratory)

Anything that decreases bicarb (HCO3-), decreases pH = acidosis (metabolic)
Anything that increases pCO2, decreases pH = acidosis (respiratory)

Anything that decreases H+, increases pH = alkalosis (respiratory)
Anything that increases H+ decreases pH = acidosis (respiratory)

Hyperventilation = breathing out CO2 thus decreasing pCO2 which causes increase in pH = respiratory alkalosis Which is why breathing into a bag helps, you are just getting back the CO2 you have lost. 

Hypoventilation = decrease in respiratory rate allows for retention of CO2 so pCO2 goes up so pH decreases = respiratory acidosis 

If you can remember pH = HCO3-/pCO2 you are set, Now plug in some numbers and see what happens with pH. 

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