Sunday, April 25, 2010

jack of all master of none

I pose this post as a question to readers of this blog or those who stumble across it by accident. Please feel free to comment and add your thoughts or opinions.

As I finish up medical school and get ready to start residency I have found myself in many conversations with friends, family and others where medical topics are discussed. Often a question will be directed at me directly. Sometimes it is a group discussion and I may give an opinion or a thought regarding a medical topic within the conversation.

I am a little sensitive to the idea that I amy come across as pretentious "know it all" large ego pride filled "doctor" when discussing medical topics. Sometime I have caught myself starting a comment with the words "I tell patients......." or "Often I explain ..... to my patients ......" For example, the other day a group of my friends and some family members where sitting around the table and discussing life when one friend brought up the subject of headaches. Everyone was talking about different things they have heard or have read about different types of headaches. Some shared their own experiences with their headaches and everyone was casually discussing the topic.

In this particular group I was the only person who works in the healthcare field. At some point in the conversation I made a comment that started with "I like to tell my patients, ....... about their headache and ..... about their treatment options." I was asked a couple of medical questions about headaches and the conversation continued with others sharing their knowledge or comments about headaches. Eventually we moved onto a different non-medical discussion about something else.

Ok, so where am I going with this and what am I babbling about, what is my point? I do not want to come across to people as a pretentious egomaniac. I was not making comments out of turn or interrupting the discussion or correcting anyone and maybe I am worrying too much about it but this is my question.

Do you think it sounds pretentious to start a comment or statement when discussing a medical topic or even a medical question directed to me by non-medical people if I start the comment or response with "I tell my patients......"?

I have not had any bad reactions from anyone or looks from people that would suggest that they think I am acting high and mighty but I want to avoid sounding like a egotistical know it all. On one hand I think when I start a statement with "I tell patients ......" it may sound like or come across like I am saying I have treated thousands of patients with (fill in the blank), when in fact I am trying to say "with the patients I have seen or treated with (fill in the blank), I have found..." In some cases it may have been several patients, in other cases it may have been only a small number of patients that I have seen thus far in my training.

Feel free to share your thoughts and comments and suggestions. I have been seeing and treating (under supervision) patients on some level / degree for the past 2.5 years across nearly every field of medicine in 2 week to 8 week blocks and have directly or indirectly worked with 1000's of patients on some level with lots of different diseases. For example when I did my neurology rotation I worked with at least 100 patients on some level with headaches.

You kind of get to see a little bit of everything on some level during your rotations but are not an "expert" on any of it. It is like being a jack of all trades and master of none as you wrap up your medical school training and get ready for residency.

I am "wet behind the ears" and I am very young in my career / life long training. I have a long way to go and I am certainly not an "expert" on headaches or any other illnesses at this point. The nice part about medical school is that during your clinical training year you get to see a little of everything as you rotate through all the different specialties but you really start honing in on your "expert" level training during residency which I will begin shortly.

I do not want people thinking "he thinks he is hot stuff and is in the beginning of his training and talks like he has seen thousands of patients with (fill in the blank)." I never want to be one of those doctors that thinks he / she is a god and then end all be all expert. I certainly do not want to come across as a pretentious, pompous "know it all" either.

Let me have it and give me your thoughts. Should I stop saying "I tell patients ......" or am I overly sensitive? If you think I should avoid saying, "I tell patients ......" what would be a better way to convey a response or comment regarding a given medical topic?



  1. Good question.
    I already know you, so you don't say that when I talk to you. It might be better to say, "In my experience....." And then if someone wonders, they can ask, "What expereince? What do you do?" Or you could say, "I"ve seen some patients respond well to......." Oh who cares. Say whatever you want! ;) Since when do you care what people think? ;)

  2. I think it sounds fine. YOU are a doctor and YOU have seen patients, and YOU have given advice. I would never think bad or that you were full of yourself. I would love hearing that stuff... guess thats why I read your blog.

    On the other hand, I hate asking a friend who is in the medical profession his opinion. lol I am afraid he might get that alot, or think I want info for free, or whatever. So I don't, I just call my regular doctor.

  3. The fact that you are even asking this means you are OK.
