Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Out of my mind"

I have a new appreciation for the phrase "out of my mind". Today I had a 29 y/o female that was admitted for extremely bizarre behavior. She lives in a motel and the neighbors reported that about 4 weeks ago she "flipped out" and has been acting strange ever since then. The latest that landed her on the psych ward was she was walking the halls naked and trying to engage in sexual acts with neighbors and anyone who came within her vicinity. We call this hyper-sexual. 

I tried to interview her and she was in frank psychosis. She had disorganized thoughts and flight of ideas. For example: 
Me: Do you know why you are here? 
Patient: Here? why is there a light on the ceiling I am a child. 
Me: Have you been using drugs? 
Patient: Drugs? no, no, no, no, no, who is the dealer the man can sing about a snake undone promises I hear you. 
It went on like this for nearly 30 minutes. This is a psychotic break and they are very interesting and fascinating. 

I started her on some antipsychotic medication and she will probably return to some level of functioning in the next couple of days. She will not remember any of these details. We have to figure out what her diagnosis is for sure. She looks like she has schizophrenia, disorganized type but it could also be a substance induced psychosis. 

This is what you call being "out of your mind".

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