Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow = no test

After all the stressing and cramming for my exam on last friday it turned out that we had a huge snowstorm and the exam was cancelled. Some of my classmates were bummed because this means that they have to study over the break and can't quite relax as well. I am fine with it. It just means I have more time to prepare. These exams cover so much material that there is no way you could ever be fully prepared. It has been said that even physicians who have been practicing for years will still miss a handful of the questions on these national shelf exams. 

Now I have 2 weeks to relax and enjoy the holidays and do some studying. The exam will be scheduled sometime in the beginning of January. I start pediatrics on January 5th. I will be on that rotation for 6 weeks. I am not super excited about dealing with the crazy parents demanding antibiotics and other treatments that they saw on TV or heard about from a neighbor. The thing that can be difficult about kids in suburban populations is that the parents are so emotionally involved that it can be difficult to have a rational conversation with some of them. However my rotation is going to be in the city and will be inpatient so I will be dealing with a poorer population with some really sick kids. This should be very educational. I have heard that it is a good rotation. I am not sure how much if any, outpatient clinic there will be on this rotation. 

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