Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This is my job?

Today after many  long hours of being on call I was finally finished and getting ready to go home and I realized that I was not in any rush to leave. I actually wanted to stay and keep seeing patients. I have never had a job where the major goal was not to get out and go home and do as little work as possible. It is odd to me that I get the privilege of doing this for my career. I enjoy it like I enjoy any of my other hobbies which is mind boggling as I have always held work and hobbies as 2 very different things.

I was excited to get home and get some sleep and see my kids and wife but it was great to have this feeling of "I love what I do" It makes it so much easier to do your job when you truly love what you do. I just never realized that it was actually a possibility. I was always skeptical of the idea of truly loving what you do for a career. I will see if this feeling continues or if I burn out at some point.  In the mean time, I am excited to go into my next shift.

1 comment:

  1. This is really great, Jared. There's a certain inexplicable thrill about loving every aspect of your life. Thanks for sharing...---SM
