Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Upcoming Internal Medicine Rotation

Later today (8/20) after my afternoon of family medicine lectures I have to go into the city for the lottery for my Internal Medicine rotation. At the beginning of my 3rd year my classmates and I all started with 20 points. These points are to be used over the course of the year at several different lottery sessions to pick rotations. 

The first lottery was set up to choose a specific track. There are 16 different tracks which dictate the order of your rotations. Everyone had different theories as to which order was best. I did not really care what my order was so I did not use any of my points to win a specific track. The 2nd lottery was set up to pick locations for my first 2 rotations, ER/family medicine and surgery. I did not have to use any of my points for these rotations. This 3rd lottery tomorrow evening is to set up the location for my 3rd rotation which in my case is internal medicine.

There are several locations available for the internal medicine rotation. I am going to go for Lutheran General, which is an excellent teaching hospital. I will use some of my points if there are more students than spots available at Lutheran General. I have heard that this rotation is excellent and that there are a of learning opportunities. The call schedule is not too harsh either. The location for me is great as well. There is a good chance I could end up doing my residency at this hospital so this could be a good opportunity to build some good relationships with attending physicians. I will probably not do a residency in internal medicine but because internal medicine interacts with nearly every department that as a student on the internal medicine service I will get to meet physicians from emergency medicine, surgery and the other departments. These physicians could be influential in choosing residents. Hopefully I can make a good impression and forge some good relationships with these physicians.

I will not begin the internal medicine rotation until after my 8 week surgery rotation.

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