Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Family Practice and cosmetic procedures?

Tomorrow is the cosmetic day in the office. You may be asking yourselves why would family practice doctors have a cosmetic day? They are not plastic surgeons. The short answer = money. Family doctors are finding it harder and harder to pay the bills as reimbursement continues to go down. To stay in business many have branched in to the cash business of cosmetic medicine. This includes; laser rejuvenation or photo facials, laser hair removal, Botox, Restylan injections and microdermabrasion. These are all entry level type of cosmetic procedures that can generate extra income if done properly. Many of these primary care physicians can get themselves in trouble if they are not careful. They can buy a bunch of expensive lasers and other equipment only to find out that they do not have enough cosmetic patients to pay for the equipment. They underestimate the marketing and business skills required to run a successful cosmetic business. I will have to see how the day goes tomorrow. The good news is that when I had my clinic we also did the cosmetic procedures so I have some experience and may even be able to help out a little. 

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