Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Welcome to the ER

The hardest part about my first rotation is trying to figure out the expectations of each of the different attendings. Some want you to be aggressive and take patients and then do a H&P (history and physical). Others find this behavior way too forward and feel that because it is our first rotation we should only observe and follow a doctor around all day only observing. Still some want kind of the combination of the 2 extremes. These differing doctors are the same doctors who will evaluate us and provide us with the feedback that ultimately determines our grade. 

Figuring each attending out and what they expect can be the challenging part. I have completed 11 shifts and I think that I have figured out most of the doctors but there are several I have not worked with yet. I am really hoping for an A in this rotation given that I may decide to go into emergency medicine. The A would help strengthen my application.

At the end of this rotation we have an exam about emergency medicine topics, like pancreatitis, kidney stones, etc. I have heard the test is a little nit picky and it is the only exam we take all year that is not a national exam. In years past the department has offered a review for the exam but this year they are not doing the review.

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