Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sutures and Staples

I have become very comfortable with suturing and stapling lacerations. I have done 15 + laceration repairs with sutures and another 10 + repairs with staples. If the laceration in on the head, in the hair I will use staples and if the wound is elsewhere like the hands, arms, legs, etc I will use sutures. I use thinner sutures in the face 6.0 nylon and on the hand I use 4.0 nylon. I now handle these repairs from beginning to the end. I give the anesthetic / nerve block and I will order an Xray if I think that bone may be involved or if I think there may be a foreign body in the wound. Then I repair the laceration and send the patient home. We also give a tetanus booster if needed.  I like suturing. 

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