Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The ER rotation is over

My last shift was yesterday. I feel bummed it is over. I loved the ER. Even before I started medical school I always thought ER would be one of the specialties that I would be interested in, and this rotation pushed me closer to choosing ER rather than away from it. I want to keep an open mind for the other rotations. Right now my considerations are:
ER, Radiology, Surgery, Psychiatry, Dermatology, GI, Pathology. We will have to see how this changes. Whichever specialty I choose I will need to set up rotations in that field for my 4th year. 

4th year is an interesting year. You have a few required rotations and then the remaining rotations are electives. You make up your mind during your 3rd year what you want to do and then you set up electives for your 4th year in that field at locations that you want to apply to, so that you can make relationships with the faculty and increase your chances of matching. 

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