Friday, June 6, 2008


3 types of vessels can get vasculitis:
Small vessels Vasculitis = arterioles, venoules, capillaries
These will always be type 3 hypersensitivity = Immune complex deposits in small vessel and activates compliment. C5a attracts neutrophils = get fibrinoid necrosis, damage to the small vessel = palpable purpura. (not a platelet issue but a small vessel vasculitis)

Muscular Arteries:
Think Polyarteritis Nodosa, Wegner's Granulomatosis, Kawasaki's Disease in Kids
Thrombosis = Infarction (no palpable purpura)
In Kawasaki's kids get coronary artery vasculitis, if it thrombosis they have an MI

Elastic Arteries:
Vasculitis of arch vessels like carotid artery and other arch vessels.
Injury = strokes
Absent pulses = sign of elastic artery vasculitis like in Takiyasu's disease

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