Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bleeding blood

Platelet Deficiency:
Can't form Temporary hemostatic plug
Signs and symptoms:
Bleeding Time prolonged
Bleeding from small vessels and superficial scratches won't stop
Ecchymosis / purpura (bigger petechiae)
Epistaxis = nosebleeds (most common sign of platelet disorder)

Coagulation Deficiency:
Can form the temporary hemostatic plug just fine = Bleeding time is normal
Can't convert the fibrinogen in the temporary plug to fibrin, so all they have is the temporary unstable plug which can be dislodged very easily
Signs and Symptoms: (normal bleeding time)
Late re-bleeding (bleeding stops with temp. plug but later plug is dislodged and bleeding starts again)
Hemarthrosis = bleeding into joints / closed spaces
GI bleeds

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