Thursday, May 22, 2008

Trypansoma cruzi

Protozoa! There are way too many of these things!! Here is a helpful hint to remember 1 of them.
Trypansoma Cruzi = Chagas' disease = cardiomyopathy (cardiomegaly), megacolon, megaesophagus. Predominantly is South America. Transmission = Reduviid Bug. Treat with Nifurtimox

First think of Tom Cruz as Cruzi, he is a megalomaniac (narcissist). Megalomaniac reminds me of Cardiomegaly = the main symptom of the disease. Tom cruzi dated Penelope Cruzi who is from South America which is where this disease is from. Now I am sure if you asked Tom Cruzi about his little outbreak on Oprah he probably wishes he could re-do that show because he made such an ass of himself. So this will remind you that the disease is transmitted by the reduviid bug. As far as the treatment goes well, we all think that Tom Cruzi is a fart so naturally you would use Nifurtimox to treat it.

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