Thursday, May 22, 2008


Don't you hate it when you think you understand a concept very well and then you come across some random question involving the concept and you think "no problem" I know this concept, but as you read the question you realize that the question is asking about some aspect of the concept than you do not understand! This occurred to me with Potter's syndrome. I am going to try and cover every aspect that could be tested regarding Potter Syndrome. Well not every aspect.

Potter Syndrome = results in oligohyraminos = low amniotic fluid this is secondary to renal disease, most commonly renal agenesis. So the baby can't pee which normally adds to the amniotic fluid. The baby gets deformed because the is no fluid to provide cushioning. The deformities are caused by pressure from the baby being smashed. Deformities = flattened facial features, low set ears, deformities of the feet.

This all seems pretty straight forward right. Well you have to remember that the kidneys can fail to develop if the urteric buds fail to develop. Ureteric buds form ureters, renal pelvis, calyces and collecting tubules. The collecting tubules induce formation of metanephric vesicles which differentiate into tubular components of the nephron.
They can ask which of the following malformed structures can lead to Potter's? look for the answer with Ureteric Buds!

Also kidneys or metanephros (adult kidney) form from what type of cells? Answer = mesenchymal stem cells, mesoderm. They got me with this one once too.

Also these babies fail to develop lungs and shortly after birth they can go into respiratory distress from Pulmonary Hypoplasia

That is all I can think of right now but I am sure there are more ways that they can take a concept that you mastered and screw you up!!

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