Thursday, May 22, 2008


Genomic imprinting. The classic example is Prader Willi and Angelman's. Basically imprinting means that you get a different disease for a mutation at the same chromosome depending on who the allele was inherited by. If its moms allele it is one disease and if it is Dad's allele it is another disease. 

Prader-Willi = Willi is a man's name so this reminds me that it is associated with paternal allele inheritance. Some use the P in Prader to remind them of paternal

Angelman's = Angel reminds me more of a woman than a man. (I think of devil when I think of man not angel). So because Angel = women I remember Maternal allele inheritance for Angleman's.

The chromosome affected in these diseases = 15(q11q13) deletion occurs

Prader-Willi = can't stop eating = obesity and diabetes, mentally slow, hypogonadism 

Angelman's = Happy puppet, ataxia and inappropriate laughter, mental retardation.

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