Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ectopic Forensics

Patient presents with: Hyponatremia or Cushings, What cancer do you think of?
Small Cell Carcinoma (S100 marker, neural crest origin) 
Ectopic ADH causes Hyponatremia
ACTH causes Cushings

Hypocalcemia or Secondary Polycythemia?
Renal Adenocarcinoma
PTH-like peptide causes hypercalcemia 
Erythropoietin causes secondary polycythemia 

Hypoglycemia or Secondary Polycythemia?
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Insulin-like factor = Hypoglycemia
Erythropoietin = Secondary Polycythemia

Medullary Carcinoma of the Thyroid
Calcitonin = tumor marker get turned into amyloid so it can no longer stimulate osteoclasts to break bone down = hypocalcemia

Shout out to Goljin 

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